AcroConnection: 15-30 June 2021
Ein Training für Jugendarbeiter in sozialem Zirkus und Gruppenimprovisation – die Dokumentation ist noch in Arbeit und in Kürze hier einsehbar.
we are looking for 25 youth workers, educators, body-based practitioners interested in partner acrobatics, stage presence and public awareness; and who would like to actively co-create the workshop with us!
Where from?
Participants from France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Slovenia
Food, travel costs and accommodation are covered. The Project is cofunded by Erasmus+.
Travel reimbursement up to the following amounts: travelling from Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Italy – up to 275 EUR; travelling from France – up to 180 EUR.
Participation fee: there is a 50 EUR participation fee, taken from the travel reimbursement (which also grants you with Nomadways membership for life).
Application process: apply before 29 February 2020 23.59 CET; application results expected around 15 March.
About AcroConnection
The workshop “AcroConnection” aims to explore how partner acrobatics and social circus can contribute to the empowerment of disadvantaged groups and the promotion of European values. The project aims to involve youth workers and artists from various parts of Europe as well as local residents, to exchange and develop educational tools using acrobatics and social circus as a source of inspiration and encouragement. We want to empower young people through movement and play, remind them of their potential and the opportunities of their environment and show them how to become active agents in their personal lives and in their development as members of their community. In circus and acrobatics, dialogue, discussion and exchange of experiences, challenges and perspectives in the work of participants, we actively explore and explore our own potentials and limits of youth work.
Together, participants will explore art and culture as powerful agents producing knowledge and promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences, and having an impact on society. With intense training, plenty of space for interpersonal and intercultural dialogue, we want to reach and sensitize participants to social circus, focusing on partner acrobatics, stage presence and public awareness, as a tool empowerment and positive social change among youth. Partner acrobatics associated with social circus theater drills provide access to social, emotional, cognitive and physical experiences as well as self-assessment and self-organization, autonomy, goal acquisition, solidarity, self-esteem, physical well- being, communication and adaptability. Theater and clown exercises allow participants to develop essential skills such as stage presence, public awareness and openness to connect to their own vulnerability and sensitivity, and offer a fun way to international participants and locals to connect.
Marta is a handstand, yoga and acroyoga teacher, with an experience in partner acrobatics. She discovered yoga in 2011 and that brought her later to handstands and acroyoga. Her life changed completely once she abandoned her sprouting legal career and decided to commit to the teaching practice, which has been bringing her joy and opportunity to connect to people and share her passions. She has been teaching movement for a few years continuously and what’s most important for her is motivating people to move their bodies and minds and find their own practices which make them happy. She believes it’s possible to make dreams come true if we really believe in them and work hard to make them happen. Marta is an active vinyasa yoga teacher, AcroYoga pioneer in Poland and creator of the learning platform which offers an online handstand training.
Felix loves connecting people into collective and artistic projects and processes. With friends and colleagues, he started the german NGO Jonglirium e.V. ( to support social circus music and theater around the globe. He studied circus and special needs education (specializing in challenging behaviour and mental disability) at the Humboldt University (Berlin) and is very grateful for a meaningful chance to combine his skills into projects that create opportunities and broaden horizons. He is a passionate acrobat & musician performing with the FourStringCompany ( all over europe after cycling and performing for half a year in south america. In acrobatics, his passion is to discover & understand the magic points where the tricks build up from and how to find balance and connection before adding momentum. Also, he started a beautiful project space in the nature in East Germany ( together with like-minded, creative people, in 2016 – hosting trainings, workshops and events there.
Musician, Clown, Street Performer, Acrobat, Bruno has a huge experience in itinerancy and nomadism. He has toured for almost 10 years with nomad companies. He works clown for individuals and improvisation for groups in all three practical levels: directing, performing and coaching. He participated to the research-action of Ser’p’art in the field of collective improvisation in the public space and worked on this topic with many directors (Loco Brusca, Jango Edwards, John Melville, Jef Johnson, Juan Carlos Muñoz…). In his interest for the physical body on stage he also trained contemporary dance, butoh, acroyoga, standing acrobacy, thai massage and vegetarian cooking.
Where to apply?
Application deadline is in the past… (concerning a waiting list please contact Anne)
Any Questions?
Check back with Anne from Nomadways which is hosting the training: anne[ät]