Circus Laboratory: 22nd September – 29th September 2023 – Huesca, Spain. What? URBAN CIRCUS LAB is […]

A 10-day exploration & show creation with partner acrobatics, collective improvisation and circus related disciplines: 19th […]

A 10 day hands-on training on Permaculture, Natural Building, Renewable Energies within the conext of Socio-Cultural […]

A tragic comic dive into the Masks of Masculinity. Richard has been lucky enough to receive […]

We’re calling for Participants for a Youth Exchange:  20th August 2nd September 2021 – the TRANS […]

The Game is On! : 14th – 23th September, Halle (Saale) Germany A 10-day training & […]

AcroConnection: 15-30 June 2021 A training for youthworkers in social circus, theater and group improvisation. The […]

A Training Course on Outdoor & Adventure Paedagogics, focused on climbing, combined with research and exploration […]

A week of Circus – nothing so out of the box for us… But this time […]

A beautifull project with a crazy and talented group of artists – a sailing circus in […]

Rural Circus Lab is an initiative born from the growing interest of young people in rural […]

Music, No Borders! 2019 Transborders Orkestra Looking back to this inspiring and beautifull project… Big thanks […]

Another 10 days or so in the beautifull south of Germany – this time working intensly […]

PermaCULTURE! : 17th – 30th September 2018, Halle (Saale) Germany

Looking back at: Halle Acro Convention: June 21 – June 24 Thank you everyone for a beautifull time despite […]

Have a look inside the training! Time went flying by… it’s harvest time check out the […]

Here are just some impressions from the week in Vietmannsdorf. Thanks to everyone involved!!!  [AFG_gallery id=’14’] […]

Musicians from all over Europe and beyond got together to make music and exchange musical skills […]

We shared and explored Music and the topics and issues of refugees with 28 people from Italy, […]

We were Hacking Bikes with two special needs classes in rural Ludwigslust An amazing time with […]